Fall Spring 22-23

7/9/2022 Dr. Michèle Finck (Universität Tübingen) and Dr. Gabriele Carovano (Postdoctoral researcher Universität Tübingen)

Presentation: Regulating Data Intermediaries: The Impact of the Data Governance Act on the EU's Data Economy. 

5/10/2022 Dr. Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras (Universidad Carlos III)

Presentation: Recalibrating Liability Rules for Smart Products: when the product is an ecosystem  

2/11/2022 Dr. Pieter Wolters (Radboud University) 

Presentation: Towards a Better Notice and Action Mechanism in the DSA

7/12/2022 Dr. Francesca Episcopo (University of Amsterdam) 

Presentation: Rights and Remedies in Case of Unauthorised Data Processing: Rethinking the Right to Data Protection?

11/1/2023 Dr. Matthias Pendl (Max Planck for Comparative and International Private law)

Presentation: Emojis in (Private) Law - The Dark Side of Emojis 

1/2/2023 Adv. Amir Cahane (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 

Presentation: The Right not to Forget: Cloud Based Services Moratoriums in War Zones and Data Portability Rights

TBC 2/2023   Dr. Lottie Lane (Groningen University) (postponed)

1/3/2023 Dr. Jeremias Adams-Prassl (University of Oxford) 

5/4/2023 Dr. Cristina Mariottini (Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European, and Regulatory Procedural Law)

3/5/2023 Dr. Alicia Solow-Niederman (Iowa College of Law) 

Presentation: IInformation privacy and the inference economy 

7/6/2023 Dr. Gabriele Spina (Max Plank Institute for Innovation and Competition)

5/7/2023 Filippo Morello (PhD Candidate, Università di Pisa / Universität Osnabrück)

Presentation: From consumer credit to consumer credits? Assessing the 2008/48/EC Directive’s reform Proposal